Check the Opportunities page for info about our our partnership with Prisma Health for the upcoming months. Our community meetings will be held alongside Prisma Health's Mobile Health Clinic appearances at the Kmart Plaza the third Wednesday of every month.
We are in the process of working with Greenville Health System for the new signage for the Dunean Community-looking for donations to fund the project and maintain the life of the signs.
The Little Free Library had to be replaced and is working great-we are now registered with the world map for location, thank you GRCA for the funds to help us.
The Dunean Mills Community Alliance is planning on having a Spring Fling/Resident Get Together to enhance the residents of the future of the Dunean Community. There are many great things that will take place, thanks for your response years ago to the survey put out by the county planning department. The County Council has adopted our plan and we are moving forward with your concerns. We always need help and volunteers from the community to keep our community the best place to live and raise your families. Contact 735-0265 for more information.
We got an award from the Great Greenville Realtor's for our progress for revitalizing the community with an Honorable Mention-great award in 2014. Everything we all do to improve our community makes better living for all of us, so be a part of the future of Dunean.
We are having our first National Night Out Tuesday August 4th 2015 at 6:45pm starting with grilled hot dogs and drinks until about 7:30pm and then as a group we will walk our community and pass out flyers and talk to our neighbors. For those of you who can not get out to walk please have on your front porch light and we can come by and chat for a minute. Please be a part of your community today and take PRIDE where you live. Positive changes are coming so be in the front to make sure you are a part of it, get INVOLVED, help the Dunean Mill be the best community to live in in Greenville, SC. We will meet up at 109 Smythe Ave at 6:45pm See you all there call to confirm please 735-0265
We now have a Dog Station placed in the Centennial Park with waste bags so you can pick up after your animal and dispose of it in your trash can at home. We are trying to help everyone with as much as we can.
We will be moving forward with the community plan and working on the signage throughout the community very soon.
The Free Little Library is going good with books moving out and I do fill it as needed, we do not want to over load it as then the library might leak if the door is pushed open. Enjoy the reading......
The United Way has help for everyone, Call 211 for FREE Income tax, it is that time of the year..FREE......
We have progressed since our inception on 2010 with the Adopt a Road Program, which at least four times a year we go out in groups to clean up our streets, most of us do this on a daily basis because we have pride in our community. We now have the beautiful Centennial Park and will continue to work on that with a few more items to take place. We have established a Community Garden between the Baptist and Methodist Church's which Beth Roddy heads up. We also had a 100th year celebration which over 300 residents participated and had a great day. We have received our IRS Status because we have many stakeholders/community members that want to help us reach our goals. We also now have an established logo that will be used though out the community and on flyers and letterhead for official use. So we are moving forward and hope you all enjoy the improvements to your community. There are more coming soon to our area and please be apart of the changes for the betterment of the Dunean Mills Community. Our new Free Library will be offered by the end of July 2014 for our residents with children and educational books to help our residents. We hope you enjoy all the improvements.
We will have a FREE LIBRARY put up in the Centennial Park by the end of July 2014. This will have books free for the taking to help our students who may not have access to some reading of all sorts. This will be a box on a post for the community's use and we hope everyone will enjoy this service. If you have books and want to donate please contact Cindy at 735-0265 and you can drop them off. We will start with some children's books and educational ones. Please no magazines. Thank you and hope you enjoy.
We will have a Road Cleanup on Saturday August 9th 2014, Rain Date Saturday August 16th 2014 We will have the trsash bags and gloves and meet up at the office at 109 Smythe Ave at 8:00am and are usually done by 11:00am. The more help we have the quicker we can get this task completed. We also provide the water. Hope to see you there. Take pride in your community and keep it beautiful by volunteering.
LS Tech Institute volunteer Don and I are going out on Monday and Tuesday January 27th and 28th 2014 to speak to as many of the Dunean residents to give them information about what is available to everyone and the resources that are in place to help each and everyone in the Dunean Community.
LS Technical Institute will Host a BBQ for the residents of the Dunean Mills Community on Saturday February 1st 2014 at 12:00 noon until 4:00pm We will have prizes to give away but you must be present for this.. So far the Greenville Health System has donated an I-Pad, the Mill has donated Duffel Bags. This is a meet and greet to get to know your neighbors and the Resources that are FREE to our community.
LS Technical Institute is a Fast Track to get your GED, Plumbing, HVAC, Manufacturing Pre-Employment, Robot Programmer, Allied Health-PA Tech, Nurse Aide Program, Med Tech and Phlebotomy. They are located at 211 North Pleasantburg Dr. Greenville, SC 29607 864-297-4521
English or Spanish Contact them to see how they can help you
We are still working with Coaches 4 Character where at risk children can attend a seminar and have dinner. They usually send out information about every two months to see if we have any children who would love to go to this event-we need to fill 27 or 55 seats on a bus which they will be able to pick up here at our office location--they will receive an inspiring message from a motivational speaker about sports--So if you know of a group of children thru teenagers contact me at 735-0265 and we can get this set up for them. This is FREE for the children.
There are many programs out there and we need to get the information out to the public.
Career Skills Now is an Earn while you Work Program;
Community Works offers a lot of different programs like IDA Program-3:1 matched savings account to purchase a house, education, etc; Homebuyer Assistance Program assist with down payment up to $4000; Community Loans; Micro Loans-up to $15,000 low interest loan for start up business; Mortgages- they also have FHA, VA and Conventional Mortgages.
We will have several Road Clean Ups this year one will be in March, August and November 2014. Pick the Saturday which is best for all volunteers. We meet at our headquarters at 8:00am and are completed about 11:00 am. We have the trash bags and water, bring your gloves. Sign up at our meetings or call Cindy at 735-0265 and volunteer for your community. We want to be the best Mill Village around. See what a difference we have made already......We are moving forward so let everyone have their voice heard.
Greater Greenville Sanitation is now accepting glass in your recycle bin
The Master Plan is still in Progress with up coming meetings to be announced
Publix Pharmacy FREE Medications Program--FREE Lisinopril-30day supply(60 tablets)
FREE Antibiotics--14 day supply of the following generic oral antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cephalexin(capsules and suspension only), Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim(SMZ-TMP), Ciprofloxacin(excluding CiprofloxacinXR), Penicillin VK
FREE Metformin-30day supply (90 tablets)
May 15, 2012
DMCA Announces Partnership with Coaches 4 Character
The DMCA believes that education is the key to a successful future and the key element in helping men and women, especially children and at-risk youth, in developing their full potentials. Learning opens doors of opportunity that are only available to those who seek it out and put their hearts and souls into it. Through education and becoming exposed to added knowledge and experiences, people can find for themselves what they are best suited or most interested in doing for the rest of their lives.
With that in mind the DMCA announced a partnership with Coaches-4-Character a local non-profit whose mission is to teach at-risk youth the value of education and character development.
Through this partnership both groups will be focusing on programs and initiatives that will provide at-risk youth with opportunities to enhance their education and build strong character and leadership traits.
April 15, 2012
Greenville County Council Proclaims April 15, 2012 as Dunean Mills Day
On April 28, 2012 at a ceremony conducted at the Dunean Mills Centennial Celebration, Councilwoman Xanthene Norris on behalf of Greenville County Council declared April 15, 2012 Dunean Mills Day in recognition of the 100th Anniversary of Dunean Mills.
March 05, 2012
DMCA and Dunean Mills Featured in FeteGreenville
The DMCA is very proud to have been featured in the April issue of Fete magazine, Greenville's exclusive online magazine. The article talks about not only the organization but revitalization efforts underway in the community. To check out the article visit Fete Magazine online.
January 24,2012
Trees Greenville and Woodmen of the World Providing Plantings for Marue Pocket Park
The DMCA would like to announce that TreesGreenville and Woodmen of the World will be providing trees and shrubbery for the Marue Pocket Park (Dynamo Park). Our continued partnerships with these great organizations has made this possible and we are very thankful of their generous contributions to our organization and community.
January 14, 2012
Dunean Vision and Master Plan Kick-Off Ceremonies
On February 16th the DMCA will bring together residents, stakeholders, members of the business community and our elected officials for the Dunean Vision and Master Plan Kick-Off event. Following the event the DMCA will be active in working with the Greenville County Planning Commission to facilitate meetings and workshops throughout the community so as to make our collective Vision a reality. Stay tuned for more information.
November 1, 2011
Dunean to Welcome Two New County Council Representatives
The U.S. Department of Justice has approved Greenville County's 2011 Redistricting Plan. As a result Dunean will no longer be represented by Councilwoman Lottie Gibson (Democrat) but instead be split between Xanthene Norris (Democrat) and Liz Seman (Republican),who will represent a majority of the community.
October 12, 2011 Greenville County Planning Commission Green Lights Dunean Vision & Master Plan
On September 19th, Kevin Robinson, of the Long Range Division of the Greenville County Planning Department, gave a brief presentation to the Planning and Development Committee of Greenville County Council on the Dunean Community. The presentation included a brief introduction into the background of the community, a list of projects underway including the stakeholders involved, and a proposal to begin a process for the creation of a County sponsored community plan and vision for Dunean. The presentation was well received by the Committee.
Shortly after, on September 28th, Mr. Robinson gave the same presentation to the Greenville County Planning Commission who voted unanimously to allow Planning Staff to commence the planning process and begin scheduling community workshops in Dunean. In addition to providing assistance to ongoing projects in the Dunean Community, Planning Staff is currently working closely with the Dunean Mills Community Alliance members and other stakeholders to refine a work program, complete the community inventory, and a begin the community input process.
September 3, 2011 Adopt-A-Road Signs Now Up
Check out our recognition signs located off Henrydale, Anderson and Faris roads. August 17, 2011 Marue Pocket Park is a Go! The DMCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Greenville County today which officially authorizes the Organization to begin construction of a pocket park on the triangle parcel at the intersection of Duke Street and Marue Drive.
The DMCA is very proud of this agreement and opportunity to beautify the community. The Marue Pocket Park will be one of many green spaces and park projects that the DMCA will be announcing over the coming months. Residents are asked to attend any one of the next DMCA meetings to learn how they can share their ideas and be a part of process to develop the final plan for the park.
July 12, 2011 DMCA and Greenville County to Partner with Citizens to Develop Vision and Master Plan
After more than a year of work involving many meetings with state and local government officials and agencies, countless hours of presentations and round table discussions with similar community groups and leaders, the DMCA is proud to announce that we recently began work with the Greenville County Planning Department to facilitate with the citizens and stakeholders of this community the development of a comprehensive, Neighborhood Master Plan and Vision for Dunean Mills.
The purpose of this plan is to formally identify Dunean Mills as one of Greenville County’s priority investment and redevelopment areas and to work towards the adoption of an amendment to the County’s ten-year comprehensive plan that is specific and relevant to the uniqueness that is characteristically Dunean. The creation of a Neighborhood Master Plan and Vision is a community driven, developed, and written effort that will serve as a road map of ideas representing what, we the people of Dunean, value and aspire to over the next two decades so as to better manage and guide growth. It is a mechanism that will help us to: Formally protect our historic buildings and landmarks from unwanted development and/or demolition; · Gain greater access to federal, state and local grants and funding streams for residents, businesses, and stakeholders; Facilitate the development and creation of needed community services and recreational programs; · Provides for economic and entrepreneurial vitality, encouraging investment and job creation; · Send a strong signal that Dunean Mills is now a priority and a place for investment in Greenville County.
Not since the 1980’s when the Redevelopment Authority invested more than $2.6 million into this community in the form of grants and low-interest loans has such a commitment, and project of this scope, been attempted in Dunean Mills. In the coming weeks and months residents and stakeholders will be receiving information and updates from Greenville County and the DMCA regarding this effort. Additional information will be made available during any one of our monthly DMCA meetings and here on our website and Facebook.
July 15, 2011 DMCA Formally Adopts Neighborhood Streets Through SCDOT Program
The DMCA received notice that its application for South Carolina’s Adopt-A-Highway Program was approved on July 15, 2011. As part of that program the DMCA agreed to adopt all of the streets in Dunean Mills and will work with the Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator for the county and the SCDOT Resident Maintenance Engineer to schedule three litter clean up days per year. The DMCA is very proud of being selected for this program to help fight litter in our neighborhood and hope that all residents join us on clean-up days to assist in this effort.
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